Fans Survey 2018 – Season Tickets + + +

How many seasons have you attended Phantoms games ?

Conclusions ?

Figures would suggest that a strong percentage of “hardcore” fans with relatively few “recent recruits”. 62% in attendance for 10 seasons or more ? Less than 6% of last season’s newcomers still in attendance and less than 2% of new fans from this season.

Arguably, given the shortcomings of this year’s “product”, it may be a good thing that we aren’t exposing it to too many new fans but then it becomes even more important to hang on to those “hardcore” fans that are already converted. Are we doing that ?

Season Ticket holder ?

Conclusions ?

Taking out those who were not and are not season ticket holders, we have 58% who have remained season ticket holders, 31% who have not renewed this season and 11% who have become season ticket holders this season and who were not last season.

The logical assumption is that we have lost the 31% due to either the drop to NIHL or the switch to Saturday home games ….. or both.

 Season Ticket Next Season (assuming same league set up) ?

Again, excluding those who are not season ticket holders this season and have no plans to buy one next season, 46% say they would renew their ticket next season, 38% suggest they probably will not renew and 16% suggest they will buy a season ticket but don’t have one this season.

Having lost a net 20% of season ticket holders this season, the possibility of losing another net 22% next season is of concern. Do we need to reconsider season ticket prices in order to hang on to fans, considering that pricing in recent seasons has meant that season ticket holders have often paid more than if they had paid on the door ?

 Season Ticket Preference

Conclusions ?

Excluding non-season ticket holders, 88% of fans say they are more likely to buy a season ticket next season if home games are on a Sunday, 12% being more likely to buy a season ticket if home games remain on a Saturday.

Given the decline in and possible further decline in season ticket sales, this data would surely suggest a return to Sunday hockey is a “no brainer” !

Saturday or Sunday ?

Conclusions ?

62.5% of fans will attend no matter whether the home games are on Saturday or Sunday but 79% of those would still prefer Sundays. Of those for whom home match night influences the number of games they attend, 97% said they would attend more if home games are on Sundays, 3% said they would attend more games if home games are on Saturdays.

Another clear vote for Sunday home games ?

Tomorrow – Match Nights