Attendance ?
Conclusions ?
Nearly 61% attending fewer games this season compared to last season. No real surprises there. Hopefully previous and subsequent answers might offer clues as to why !
How did you first get introduced to Peterborough hockey ?
Conclusions ?
This result exactly replicates results of similar surveys carried out ten years ago …… the majority of Peterborough hockey fans were introduced to hockey by existing fans. Should we be better utilising our existing fans to bring in new fans ? Can we create a network of trusted “agents” to sell introductory and/or discounted tickets ?
Do we need to invest time and effort into the product before we try to sell it via any method ? The survey results might suggest we are better off investing time there rather than in other promotions that don’t appear to be delivering any significant results.
The 37% who stated “other” are an unknown. It is hard to see what “other” could be but the survey has clearly missed out on something !
How do you travel to home games ?
Conclusions ?
No surprises there ? Again, not sure what “other” represents (bike, motor bike ?).
Is it worth considering a form of car-share given the number of fans travelling by car ? Not so much to save money but to buddy up fans which may reduce the numbers who drift away or find excuses not to attend ?
Who do you normally attend games with ?
Conclusions ?
Big family presence which may reflect efforts over the years to promote hockey here as a “family sport”. The challenge would be whether, given the relatively low crowds, that majority is not really helping us move forward …… especially as family units must be more likely to miss games due to any one of the group being unavailable and/or the complications of schooling.
This result probably supports the earlier stats on age groups. If we were targeting the 18-25s then you would presumably see a much bigger slice in the “with friends” section as that age group tends to operate in packs with large social networks. Personally, that’s where I would be targeting !
Excluding Admission, how much do you spend on average at the game ?
Conclusions ?
Assuming people DID read the first two words of the question, this one is interesting. It arguably suggests that admission is not really that price sensitive as nearly 80% of those attending are spending in excess of £5, on top of admission, within the arena. Is that mostly season ticket holders who aren’t paying admission on the night ?
Price of Admission ?
Conclusions ?
Most consider the price is alright. There will always be a significant number in any survey who will want things for less so, personally, I see this as a thumbs-up to where the admission price is. It would have been interesting to know how many of the 42.5% “too expensive” voters were purchasers of family tickets.
Tomorrow – Season Tickets + + +