Sunday Hockey to Return for 2018/2019 Season

The club have confirmed tonight the news that so many have been waiting for, that Phantoms have applied to play their home games on Sundays next season.

It will be up to the league to determine whether the switch is achievable either in full or in part but the club have done all they can to deliver what the majority of the fanbase have been pleading for throughout the past season.

The club statement reads ……….

“The Peterborough DALROD Phantoms would like to announce their intention to request a change to their home game day for the 2018/19 season.

After many months of research and deliberating, the Phantoms management have made the decision that they will communicate a request to the League Fixtures Secretary for Phantoms home games to be on a Sunday.

Last season, we felt on one hand was a great success but on the other hand a significant loss. The reason the club made the decision to change to a Saturday, was due to being able to maximise the marketing potential and grow our audience. This has worked, and we have had a fantastic increase in new spectators joining us on a regular basis, more than we have had in previous years.

However, as you are aware, last summer was a turbulent time for everyone, and with the change in the league and the change of game nights, we found ourselves with many long-term fans not returning. This of course was not predicted, as we believed we would be growing on our already thriving fan base.

We have spoken to our fans that continued to support throughout last season, as well as those who couldn’t or chose not to return. In addition we have also looked into our marketing plan for the 2018/19 season and decided to request a return to Sunday night hockey in Peterborough.

We hope this pleases both our new and long term fans and encourages more to commit to Phantoms hockey by purchasing a season ticket and attending more games.”